"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." -Anthony Brandt

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Think I'm Going to Give it a Shot!

So, no doubt you've already heard something about the crazy HCG diet! Yep, oral drops or injections which when performed under medical supervision would cost about $400.00 + per month. However, as with all things, time lowers the cost and once it hits the internet, it becomes more reasonably priced because it's not exclusive any longer. Anyway, yes, this is the 500 calorie a day deal. Crazy? Perhaps. Safe? Some say it is, others will argue that fact. Does it work? Apparently it does, and like a charm!!!
Two days ago when I walked into my local Sunflower Market store for some veggies with my hubby and kids, I saw a sign that said, "HCG sold here!" What?! That's awesome! So after doing a little investigative work I learned they now sell it there - the sublingual drops. So many have had great results and rave about it. And....(ready for this)...it was on sale for only one more day for $39.99!!!! So I figured if I'm going to "try" it, I might as well buy it at a discount in case it's a bust! I will embark on my HCG journey, which I will from this point forward refer to as "Operation Slimdown" on this Saturday. I may blog my progress in a separate blog. If I do, I will include the link here. Perhaps, I too can be a "success story". ;D Who knows, but if it works it'll be worth the risk right? Fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

Not An Option!

A friend of mine once passed on a quote to me that her girlfriend told her. She said, "Holding on to someone that treats you like an option, makes you miss what it feels like to be treated like a priority."

That is the gospel truth!!!! I thought about that tonight and wondered why does that even happen? Does one individual get too comfortable? Do they all of a sudden feel they don't need to show the other person how important they are? And if so, how does one get that to change?
You know, I've said this before and I'll say it a million times; compliments are free. Hugs are free. Making someone feel loved and important is free and darn near effortless, so why is it so hard to do it? We hold back. We don't say things we may want to say for fear of...? What? Rejection? That it won't be reciprocated? So you do the "safe" thing which is nothing at all and then another day, minute, second goes by that the person you supposedly like or love doesn't know how you feel or at least felt at that moment. WHY?!!!!!!
I literally want to scream that from the rooftops!! Why oh why, do we not simply say what is in our hearts? Take the risk! Do it! Just grab the bull by the horns, jump in feet first, wear your heart on your sleeve and open up your heart and just say what you feel! You know why? Because we always wait for the right time, or to receive the right "signal" letting us know that the other person feels the same way. Stop waiting because one day there won't be time to wait. One day we may not have a "tomorrow".
I get it, trust me. I've done the same thing and therein lies my frustration. It takes guts, cahones, nerve, courage, and strength to open the heart, share what's inside, and hope and pray that the receiver doesn't shred it to bits! It is however one of the risks in life truly worth taking. And so, if you dear reader, are so lucky to have someone that does just that; opens their heart and expresses their feelings for you, do me a favor will ya; let them know how important they are to you! Make them and make loving them a priority. There is surely nothing worse that feeling alone when you have someone to love. Make someone your priority but make sure they know that you are not an option.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Advice Worth Taking.

There are a great many benefits to having close friends. They provide camaraderie, insight, hopefully honest opinions, laughs, and yes...even advice. Better yet is when you find the friend that provides the "right" advice for your particular situation.

Now, you may or may not subscribe to horoscopes, zodiac signs, etc., however even I have to admit that there are certain similarities and character traits that cannot be denied. So, when my Scorpio gal friend and I talk about things, it shouldn't surprise me that more times than not, her response is EXACTLY the same as my husband's would be! My husband too is a Scorpio and he and my friend are ridiculously alike in many ways. So naturally I find myself often going to her with the "I don't get why he does this" statement. Understanding not just my husband, but men in general is much like tackling the New York Times crossword puzzles - frustrating and nearly impossible for me without help.

It is remarkable how another person's insights can clarify even the muddiest of waters. You see, my husband has the tendency, (like many men) to shut down when upset. We're working on our communication skills as a couple however it doesn't change the fact that often I'm kicking myself for not honing my psychic abilities, as it seems that is the only way I'll ever know what he's thinking. That was until "T" (as I'll refer to her, should she prefer not to be identified in some random blog that surely no one will ever read anyway). T gets him.

She will, with complete accuracy, explain what his reaction was as if I'd already told her, (which I hadn't). When I respond surprisingly with "That is EXACTLY what he said (or did)!", she'll simply say, "yeah, because he's a Scorpio and what he's thinking is...yada, yada, yada." She explains him to a "t" and is dead-on-the-money every time!

So when she gives me advice and says to stop over-analyzing his words and actions, and to "do this" because Scorpio's need to feel "this way" and not "do that" because it makes them "think this", now...I listen. And so last night, when she gave me advice to basically ease-up and just go with it, I did. And you know what? It was one of the best nights my husband and I have had in a long time. Do I thank her because she's a Scorpio? Do I thank her because she's intuitive? Perhaps, but mostly, I just want to thank her because she's my friend. Thanks T!