So, no doubt you've already heard something about the crazy HCG diet! Yep, oral drops or injections which when performed under medical supervision would cost about $400.00 + per month. However, as with all things, time lowers the cost and once it hits the internet, it becomes more reasonably priced because it's not exclusive any longer. Anyway, yes, this is the 500 calorie a day deal. Crazy? Perhaps. Safe? Some say it is, others will argue that fact. Does it work? Apparently it does, and like a charm!!!
Two days ago when I walked into my local Sunflower Market store for some veggies with my hubby and kids, I saw a sign that said, "HCG sold here!" What?! That's awesome! So after doing a little investigative work I learned they now sell it there - the sublingual drops. So many have had great results and rave about it. And....(ready for this) was on sale for only one more day for $39.99!!!! So I figured if I'm going to "try" it, I might as well buy it at a discount in case it's a bust! I will embark on my HCG journey, which I will from this point forward refer to as "Operation Slimdown" on this Saturday. I may blog my progress in a separate blog. If I do, I will include the link here. Perhaps, I too can be a "success story". ;D Who knows, but if it works it'll be worth the risk right? Fingers crossed. Wish me luck!