"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." -Anthony Brandt

Monday, February 1, 2010

Trying out "no" to see how it fits!

I was up bright and early this morning to take my mom to dialysis, 4:30am to be exact! I hadn't been feeling too well from the night before. For some reason I was sick to my stomach and became very familiar with the toilet while on my knees. My intention on agreeing to get up so early to take my mom was to hit the gym afterwards however due to still not feeling well, I skipped it and headed to a 24-hour Walgreens to pick up a mini-notebook. Why you ask?

I've decided, in my never-ending attempt to get in shape, to write down everything I put in my mouth and count the calories. My goal is no more than 1200 calories per day minus whatever calories I burn working out. There are a couple of really great calorie-counting sites out there like fitclick.com and my newly discovered and new favorite caloriecounter.com. So, I track everything and log it into the site and track my caloric intake. We'll see how it works. Wish me luck. I know that being more aware of it will help keep me on track. I just need to stick to it. And so,...that brings me to "no".

All to often circumstances arise in which I have a decision to make. Usually a decision that I know I should say "no" to, yet,...I don't. I ponder it. I think about it. I talk myself into it. An example? Okay. When working at the salon, most weeks I bring my own lunch however inevitably the question arises: Want lunch? Instead of just saying "no" immediately because I already brought my own, I ponder the question and then I usually say "Sure, where do you want to eat?" In thinking about it, I have to wonder, why do I do that? Why don't I just say "no thanks" and leave it at that? I could save money, save calories, but the idea of eating out seems so appealing. Had I just said, "No thanks. I brought my own lunch", it would've been over and done with. So, from now on, at least for this week, I'm going to try on "no's" and see how they fit me. I am pretty certain the conviction of a good, solid, firm "no" will help me stay on track and I'm thinking I'll feel much better at the end of the day. I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, I'm excited to track my food, exercise activity and see what comes of it. Weight and health is a never-ending, mind-numbing battle that I am hell bent on winning if it kills me!!! And it just might. ;D Stay tuned!