It's 7:36pm and my family just finished having dinner. What a day!!! I was swamped with last minute school work that I put off from yesterday and the day before. In the middle of doing two exams, two homework assignments and one discussion post, I managed to cook a pot roast with rice, honey bbq chicken wings and cut up a watermelon, of which I had none. My dinner? Coffee. After today, it relaxes me and comforts me. The craziness will start again Monday, so I'll just enjoy this evening and tomorrow (taking it off from schoolwork) and try not to feel guilty about it.
I feel the need to come clean here and admit that I got a "B" on one of my exams and it's KILLING ME!!! I missed two questions - one was my own dumb fault for not double-checking, the other is contestable, which I have already submitted an email requesting correction. And my "type A", obsessive-ish personality can't stop thinking about that damn "B"!!! In my almost two years studying Forensics, I've never gotten less than an "A" on anything and now this atrocity!?!!! The lesson for me is learning to deal with "less than" sometimes.
I spoke with my mother-in-law today. Yes, I called her. I just had an overwhelming desire to chit-chat with her. It was pleasant as always and during our conversation, I missed her. She's really a dear and sadly is simply taken for granted by her kids and it bothers me. I updated her on the happenings here and she updated me on the goings-on there and in the end, I was very thankful that we live 2,936 miles away - not from her, rather from the DRAMA that invades every part of their lives. My in-laws anniversary is coming up and Fonzie and I decided (on my suggestion) to buy them new flatware. We chose a lovely style and not only is it really pretty, but it's durable and low and behold...It doesn't bend!!! I wish I could be there to give it to them, but we'll be sending it out Monday. Tomorrow I will pick-up the anniversary cookie (we opted for that instead of cake) and a Key Lime pie (my dad's favorite) for their anniversary. Although it isn't until Monday, we'll present their gift to them tomorrow. 42 years!!!! The mere thought stuns me! Fonzie and I have been together only 6 years and I feel proud of that small accomplishment. These days marriages are disposible it seems and I miss the days when marriage was sacred. Although my dear husband and I don't always see eye-to-eye, I think the best thing he's ever said to me was during a time when we were fighting and he said, "The fact is that we're going to be together forever, so we might as well learn how to deal with each other." I'll never forget that, and no doubt - I'll hold him to it. ;)