Well here we are,...dawning of a new year. Yep, 2010 is upon us and with each new year there is new hope. As for me, I will say that I am committing to making no resolutions. My goals of losing weight, saving money and being the best mom and wife I can be are constants and therefore I won't define them as "resolutions".
Our NYE evening was spent watching HGTV with my hubby while our kids fell fast asleep after a long day of hanging out at the zoo and park. It was a wonderful day and that evening there was no place else I'd rather be. The days of partying all night to welcome in the new year are long gone. And you know what I say to that..."Good riddance!" :) I have no desire to do that anymore. I am perfectly content with being at home, tucked in all warm and cozy knowing my kids and hubby are close by and safe.
I must say however that I do have a renewed sense of self, a strong drive and determination that I almost lost last year. I am not foolish enough to think that this year will be easy by any means, however, I know that I will be able to handle whatever comes my way. I am anticipating a busy, full year. Gunnar will be busy learning new things and I will be teaching him many new things to prepare him for 1st grade. Brogan too will be busy learning from her workbooks and getting ready to write. She's only 2 but she already recognizes her letters. My own schoolwork will keep me busy, as will the salon.
I don't know what 2010 holds for me and my family, but I know that we're strong and we've weathered many storms and we'll handle whatever comes our way. Fonzie has some things, good things, going on in his life that I feel will be great positives for him and as a result for us as well. I'm excited about that! All-in-all, 2009 wore out its welcome and I was more than ready for 2010! So,...HELLO 2010! Bring us good things this year and when you need to challenge us,...just go easy a bit,...will ya?!