A friend of mine once passed on a quote to me that her girlfriend told her. She said, "Holding on to someone that treats you like an option, makes you miss what it feels like to be treated like a priority."
That is the gospel truth!!!! I thought about that tonight and wondered why does that even happen? Does one individual get too comfortable? Do they all of a sudden feel they don't need to show the other person how important they are? And if so, how does one get that to change?
You know, I've said this before and I'll say it a million times; compliments are free. Hugs are free. Making someone feel loved and important is free and darn near effortless, so why is it so hard to do it? We hold back. We don't say things we may want to say for fear of...? What? Rejection? That it won't be reciprocated? So you do the "safe" thing which is nothing at all and then another day, minute, second goes by that the person you supposedly like or love doesn't know how you feel or at least felt at that moment. WHY?!!!!!!
I literally want to scream that from the rooftops!! Why oh why, do we not simply say what is in our hearts? Take the risk! Do it! Just grab the bull by the horns, jump in feet first, wear your heart on your sleeve and open up your heart and just say what you feel! You know why? Because we always wait for the right time, or to receive the right "signal" letting us know that the other person feels the same way. Stop waiting because one day there won't be time to wait. One day we may not have a "tomorrow".
I get it, trust me. I've done the same thing and therein lies my frustration. It takes guts, cahones, nerve, courage, and strength to open the heart, share what's inside, and hope and pray that the receiver doesn't shred it to bits! It is however one of the risks in life truly worth taking. And so, if you dear reader, are so lucky to have someone that does just that; opens their heart and expresses their feelings for you, do me a favor will ya; let them know how important they are to you! Make them and make loving them a priority. There is surely nothing worse that feeling alone when you have someone to love. Make someone your priority but make sure they know that you are not an option.
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