"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." -Anthony Brandt

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is it me or is it hot in here?

So, it's Thursday morning about 11am and I look outside and it's unseasonably cloudy today. We are not in monsoon season yet, but Mother Nature has granted us a short reprieve from the dreadful Arizona summer heat with a cloudy, cooler day. Sadly, I'm still so hot that I just sat down from having my head in the freezer for a bit. What is this? I'm only (I say that with humor) 39 years old. Am I ill? Could I be coming down with something? Is this a...hotflash?!!!!
Is this it? Have I hit that brick wall? Am I pre-menopau...*cough, cough* Wow, and I thought it was my kids that made me feel old sometimes. Nope, I suppose the reality is that I AM getting old(er).

I knew this day would come, but I thought I'd have wrinkles and be retired when it did. LOL (Meanwhile, the air has come on and I have cooled off. Thank the good Lord for air-conditioning!) Well, it's simply another thing to contend with. That's okay, I could be complaining about much worse.

Today,..well,...yesterday actually, I committed to joining a gym. I will be joining today however. I am oddly excited. I lost 1.6 lbs last week and that small amount was enough to jumpstart me to want to lose more. My goal weight? Uh,...just shy of Tori Spelling. :) (I think she's amazing by the way, a great mom and beautiful.) Yep, when people come up to me and wonder if I have an eating disorder,...then I've acheived my goal weight. lol Seriously though, I just want to be healthy and slender. I'll get there. There are a bunch of things to do today: catch up on my school work and studying, shower, get kids ready, go shopping when hubby comes home, get to the gym, find something to make for dinner, make dinner, bathe kids...and I have no desire to move from where I sit, except to maybe go lie down. I haven't slept more than 6 hours in the last 3-4 days and am tired. A short 15 minute "lay down" will suffice. Then I'll take a shower and get a late "jump start".

It should be a good rest of the day. We'll see...

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